Geoportal as a means to popularize geological heritage of Ukraine
DOI:Ключові слова:
geotourism, geological tourism, geological natural monuments, geoportal, web GIS, spatial databaseАнотація
The article discusses issues of using geological natural monuments (GNM) for scientific and educational purposes. It is a part of a general problem of preservation and use of geological heritage of the Earth, which has become internationally important lately. Local and international practice shows the need for thematic geotours that heavily rely on geological natural monuments.
Geological tourism has a potential to improve socio-economic situation of local communities in Ukraine, to preserve and popularize Earth sciences. As of this day, there are no means to draw public attention to Ukrainian geoheritage and geotourism, which makes this research highly relevant.
Geoportals and web GIS components will enable ordinary citizens to interact with a map of Ukrainian GNM, obtain interesting information, thereby getting involved in geological tourism themselves. To achieve this goal, the following goals were accomplished: gathering information on geoheritage in Ukrainian regions, designing and filling a database, creating interactive maps, developing a concept and a prototype of a corresponding geoportal. The article starts by explaining the concepts of geological tourism, natural monuments and their significance. Discussed are important related concepts as geoheritage, geoheritage and geopark. Further described is the classification of geological landmarks. The main part introduces a concept of geoportals and methodology to develop a geoportal about geological tourism in Ukraine. It is expected that a developed geoportal with web GIS will encourage sharing within general audience and systematize information about objects of geological heritage in Ukraine.
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