Determination of limits for acoustical pollution from main roads at the stage of urban area zoning
DOI:Ключові слова:
noise propagation paths, limiting acoustic discomfort characteristics, isodecibelsАнотація
The intensive automobilization of cities in-volves some problems relating to traffic ar-rangement, and as a result, requires to extend the transportation corridors of main trunk road networks, increase traffic capacity, and develop models of transportation flows in the conditions of existing urban development. In such condi-tions, environmental pressures on urban areas increase. The impact of technogenic factors on the areas also increases, and as a result, the concentration of environmental pressures en-hances. The desire to increase the traffic capac-ity and city building density can induce ecolog-ical instability of some urban areas. At the pre-sent time, there are normative documents that regulate the conditions for development and planning of urban areas. The functionality of urban areas and envi-ronmental pressures on the areas and their lim-its must be clearly determined at the stages of developing the general plans and detailed plans of the urban area development. In the conditions of decentralization and formation of territorial communities, which are entitled to independently deal with their finan-cial problems and form social living environ-ment, it is required to use comprehensive pro-fessional methods for designing strategic pro-grams for the development of cities and settle-ments. At the present time, city planning specialists are capable of taking into account various fac-tors relevant to the development and planning of urban areas with consideration for future environmental pressures and their limits. Due to this, it will be possible to save financial costs when carrying out actions required for decreasing the techno-genic impact on the ecology and living environment, and planning the perspectives of regional de-velopment. For this reason, the analysis of environmen-tal pressures from the city main roads network is relevant for any city. This paper contains the calculated data on the results of analysis of the city main roads characterized by different planning concepts. These data are required for determining the corresponding planning actions.Посилання
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