Ways of considering traditions when forming the system of maintenance in Ukraine
https://doi.org/10.26884/1707.1803Ключові слова:
Cities of Ukraine, traditions, crafts and trades, transport and planning structures of the city, motorization level, system of maintenance of motor vehicles for personal use, methods of marketing managementАнотація
The size of the territory, the density of the city dwellers, the number of cars for personal use, planning conditions and network configuration of highways and roads are the main components that influence the placement features of maintenance of motor vehicles in cities of Ukraine.
The article develops the structure of the distribution of cities under types, factors, kinds of functions performed in relation to the economic level and importance of the city as a part of the country; analyzes the impact criteria on the formation of the traditional system of management and living of the people of Ukraine; reveals the traditional approaches to the formation of maintenance in Ukraine.
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