Mathematical approaches to the optimization of the functional and planning location of primary collection points of waste management collection according to city planning criteria
DOI:Ключові слова:
household waste, primary collection point, waste collection systems, planning module, planned hubs, criteria, residential areasАнотація
The main city planning criteria of residential area sanitation organization aimed at optimizing the location of primary collection points of waste management in residential areas are examined.
The trends in the development of residential areas waste collection systems and disposal to provide comfortable living environment for the population and to satisfy their household requirements are confined to the following trends: progressiveness of household waste collection automation, aesthetic, sanitary-and-hygienic, engineering solutions of equipping the primary waste collection points to ensure the technological and organization-and-technological methods for waste collection.
Further planning of the waste collection and disposal is impossible without taking into account the city planning and development. A decision on the technological or organization-and-technolo-gical method for the household waste collection is taken on the third or second technological level is based on the city planning and development standards, the territory analysis and is taken in accordance with a number of conditions and limitations specifying the territory.
The main city planning limitations when selecting a waste collection method are: the territorial limitation, the residential density within the limits of the streets, or the zone of influence of a waste transfer station, planning limitations of the existing site planning etc. The main requirement to the residential areas waste management and collection system envisaged by the city planning is
optimization of the location of the primary waste collection points on the residential territories.
The locations of planned hubs of the primary waste collection point are determined by the planning scheme of the territory waste collection system.
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