On creation of the universal mathematical management decision making theory
https://doi.org/10.31493/uwt1909.1201Ключові слова:
axiomatic modeling, artificial intelligence, mathematical logic, thinking, formalizationАнотація
A variety of approaches to the construction of theories of managerial decisionmaking causes great difficulties in constructing formal models of the dynamic processes under study, which necessitates the creation of a unified universal mathematical theory of managerial decision-making. The model of managerial decision making for dynamic systems of any nature proposed by the author uses the axiomatic modeling methodology created earlier, combining the axiomatic method and the concept of functional analysis in modeling and solving problems - one of the extremely effective tools for cognizing patterns in natural processes. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the simplicity and capabilities of the proposed methodology for making managerial decisions on a specific example in the field of medicine. The truth (correctness, expediency) of making a managerial decision is proved by the exact mathematical method, which assumes a formal proof that does not depend on the will of a particular person. This circumstance, as well as the universality of the model, determines the relevance and originality of the proposed approach to solving managerial problems. The formal proof of the truth of the obtained solution by the Robinson method and the use of the author’s universal stereotypical logical construction for proving theorems is the key to the maximum degree of confidence in the obtained solution. Despite the verbal format for formulating axioms, the solution obtained is not approximate, not probabilistic, but mathematically accurate, which is extremely important for the practical application of mathematical theory. The format under consideration for formulating basic axioms and theoremsrequiring proof is convenient for human perception and reasoning. It is easily applicable in solving problems in any field of human activity by specialists of the most diverse subject areas of human activity. The prospectivity and cost-effectiveness of the proposed approach is especially relevant in solving extremely complex practical problems.
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