Progressive Technologies in Design of Town Planning and Land-scape Recreational Objects Made of Floating Modular Elements
DOI:Ключові слова:
floating modular elements, town planning and landscape recreational objects, technologies of building information modelingАнотація
The article outlines the major research areas on the problem of the water area exploitation in town planning, as well as progressive trends in the design of floating residential, public, production, recreational buildings and facilities. The latter include the forming of aquatorial spatial structures, such as floating town planning and landscape recreational objects.
It has been acknowledged that man-made archipelagos are feasible to be assembled of unified modular elements produced in a big number of copies by industrial enterprises, which implies their high quality and relatively low cost. Such elements are transported to their location of use through waterways, which makes their shipment significantly cheaper. During the operation, floating structures, if necessary, are capable of changing their function, size, configuration and location. Their damaged elements can be quickly substituted with the new ones, while unsuitable for further use fragments may be adjusted to other needs or recycled.
Floating modules must meet specific requirements that apply to mobile buildings and facilities. Among them, the requirements of technological effectiveness of production, transportation efficiency, autonomous operation, adaptation to extreme operating conditions. In addition, expectations for their reliability, efficiency and environmental friendliness are increasing.
In order to program the life cycle of floating town planning and landscape recreational objects it is suggested to use progressive technologies of building information modeling. ВІМ-technologies are an efficient means of collective creation, processing and storage of information for the whole lifecycle object. Their use has a positive effect on the indicators of efficiency, performance, cost and safety of construction, logistics and operation of the object. The use of ВІМ-technologies avoids most of the errors at the design stage and make the necessary corrections during the implementation of the intention. The principle of parametricity, realized in the ВІМ-environment, influences all the sections of the draft, which to some extent guarantees accuracy in the development of a design solution.
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