The formation of modular structures through the prism of architecture in marine areas
DOI:Ключові слова:
shaping, geometric modeling, block-modular structures, cross-core structural systems, combi-natoricsАнотація
The causes of actualization of the problem of water urbanism are shown. The key suggestions for possible formation of floating structures are considered, the international experience of such objects design are analyzed. The question of the formation of modular structures are based on the methods of geometric modeling. The correct and semi-regular polyhedra are analyzed as the most streamlined figures from the point of view of utilitarian, stability, and buoyancy. Because of such figures form the largest internal usable volume with a minimum surface area and have a regular symmetrical structure.
The basic properties of continuous filling of three-dimensional space on the basis of modular design of convex polyhedrons of spherical type are revealed. An important prerequisite is the unification of the modules of mutual harmonization of system elements on the basis of multiplicity. The advantages of modular design and the possibility of forming the floating structures are analyzed. It is proposed to solve the modular structure of the three-dimensional cross-core structural system (the spatial framework solves not only the functional-utilitarian problem of overlapping the space, but is the formative structure of the whole building).
Based on the generalized project experience, new approaches and state-of-the-art engineering and technological solutions have been identified to unlock the potential of marine ecosystems for future development.
The main aspects of the formation of modular structures in the marine areas are highlighted, in particular, the following:
- formation of floating structures is analyzed on the basis of geometric modeling methods;
- a three-dimensional cross-core structural system based on regular polyhedra is proposed;
the structural features of the formation of floating structures and the outlined prospects of water urbanism are distinguishedПосилання
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