A formal model of the human psyche life-supporting functions dialectic logic control




Ключові слова:

axiomatic modeling, artificial intelligence, mathematical logic, thinkin, formalization


A lot of research in the field of artificial intelligence cannot be completed, or carried out at all, due to the lack of at the moment a correct theory of the human brain functioning associated with its intellectual activity, at least at a conceptual level. So far, there are no comprehensive proposals by researchers on what principles should be based on models of elementary and structured meanings processed by the brain in the course of human life, not to mention formal languages and their grammars, or, especially, formal theories designed for these purposes. The purpose of this article is to fill the gap in scientific knowledge about the human brain. Academician P.K. Anokhin in 1984 proposed the concept of a model for organizing and regulating a behavioral act, in which there is a place for all basic processes and conditions. It was called the functional system model. With such a model, it becomes possible in the same vein, using axiomatic statements, to create a logical-dialectical model of the functioning process at the physiological level of any of the higher mental functions. The dialectical logic of controlling any human body functional systems follows from the conceptual knowledge of the vital functions of these functional systems, obtained exclusively by natural experimenting. Therefore, the conceptual knowledge of the vital functions of each studied functional system of a person should precede the description of the logic essence of its control. The human psyche is one

of the most important functional systems of the human body. The article presents the fundamental concepts of the vital functions of this system, which allow revealing the essence of the dialectical logic of life-supporting functions control and a formal model of the dialectic logic of the human psyche functional system control.

Біографія автора

Victoria Kondratenko, V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of NAS of Ukraine

Researcher of the Methods and technological construction tools of intellectual program systems Department

PhD, Ass. Prof.


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Як цитувати

Kondratenko, V. (2020). A formal model of the human psyche life-supporting functions dialectic logic control. Pidvodni Tehnologii, (10), 13–21. https://doi.org/10.32347/uwt2020.10.1201



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