Underwater radio device
https://doi.org/10.32347/uwt2020.09.1501Ключові слова:
radio communication, antenna, electromagnetic wave, electromagnetic field, magnetic component, electromotive force, submarineАнотація
Creation of a radio communication device for underwater objects for the exchange of voice messages and for the transmission of digital data. The relevance of this problem is determined by the fact that the currently existing samples of equipment for underwater radio communications are excessively powerful, dimensional and with low bandwidth. An analysis of developments in this area showed that underwater radio communications can be organized on longitudinal electromagnetic waves or by using only the magnetic component of the electromagnetic wave.
The principle of operation of the device is based on the use of only the magnetic component of the electromagnetic wave. It is known that an electromagnetic wave consists of two components: electrical and magnetic. Water is an electrically conductive medium where the skin effect acts, according to which the deeper, the weaker the signal. But this is for the electrical component. Water has weak magnetic properties, so water is not a hindrance to the magnetic component of an electromagnetic wave.
Such a device, depending on its power, can be used both for individual communication of swimmers, and for the organization of radio communication between beacons and even for communication with submarines. It is possible to isolate the magnetic component of an electromagnetic wave according to two principles: to strengthen the magnetic component or to weaken the electrical component.
The separation of the magnetic component of the electromagnetic wave is carried out in the so-called magnetic antennas, which can be built in the form of coils with a ferrite core, can be of a frame type of a certain size or in the form of a coil in a screen made of non-magnetic metal. When upgrading conventional radio communication devices to the underwater version of their use, only the antenna-feeder path is subject to change, while other components of the communication channel remain unchanged. Application of such principles of radio communication organization will allow building submarine communication systems for an almost unlimited distance.
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