The use of geographical and informational systems the provision state and public interests in the implementation of urban development



Ключові слова:

urban development, systems of urban development documentation, informational systems, geographical and informational systems


The article summarizes that the main problem of forming a modern urban development documentation system consists in direct tendencies of functional-spatial and planning regulation of urban layouts, in the development of the territory with the help of special tools, territorial indicators, and urban planning regulations. Whereas the updated documents should meet new conditions of spatial development of the territory – regulation of socio-economic processes and the architectural-planning organization of urban planning systems with the help of urban development, including legal regulation of relations between subjects of urban development.

The purpose of the article is to analyse the condition and prospects of using geographical and informational systems in urban planning. A number of scientific methods have been used to achieve this purpose, in particular: analysis, synthesis, generalization, summaries, etc.

Urban development informational content expansion is a trend that characterizes each stage of its development. Under modern socio-economic conditions, the tendency has become a consistency, which, in combination with the managing (regulating) aspect of the modern content of urban development and the improvement of legal relations of subjects of urban development determines the essence of the current stage of urban development.

At present, informational systems are more actively used in Ukrainian urban development rather than in urban development data banks. It has been summarized that due to informational systems, specialists have the opportunity to see, assess, take into account modern processes of the territory development and create the basis for its sustainable spatial development. Informational technologies have become an integral part of urban development and have contributed a new organizing and optimizing start, having increased its overall efficiency. A special place in urban development is given to geographical and informational systems (GIS). Their main functions are to create an urban development informational environment, to store territorial cartographical (spatial) information.

It has been generalizes that the use of GIS in urban development involves their specific complex structural application. The information structure of any GIS urban profile is formed on the basis of informational and technological blocks, thematic and informational layers of graphic (cartographical) information, banks and databases.

Біографії авторів

Yevhen Klushnychenko, Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Professor at the Department of municipal economy, Doctor  of Technical Sciences, prof.

Iryna Savchuk, Kyiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Postgraduate Student at the Department of municipal economy


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Як цитувати

Klushnychenko, Y., & Savchuk, I. (2020). The use of geographical and informational systems the provision state and public interests in the implementation of urban development. Pidvodni Tehnologii, (10), 66–73.



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