The problem of determining traffic and pedestrians delay in the city road-street network unregulated intersection area
DOI:Ключові слова:
road-street network (RSN), unregulated inter-section, level of service, pedestrian crossing delay, traffic delayАнотація
The motorization level increase in the city of Kyiv, taking place since the late 1990s up to 2008, caused the increase of the traffic flows intensity in the city and overwork of the city road-street network (RSN). The city streets and roads intersections became the places of traffic and pedestrian flows network concentration. In the City of Kyiv over a half of all intersections of streets and roads are unregulated. Therefore, in the aforementioned conditions (continued motorization level increase, limited number of parking spaces, public transport lanes allocation), as well as increasing demand for individual vehicles (Segway, gyro scooters, bicycles), the problem of unregulated crossings operation assessment is relevant. Proper traffic organization, taking into account all traffic participants, is the factor of the whole system efficient operation.
While analyzing the regulatory framework of Ukraine for the design and operation of urban transport infrastructure, there are several problem areas: the lack of sufficient description of the requirements for the unregulated crossings design; the absence of a comprehensive assessment of the intersection including all traffic participants (cars, pedestrians, cyclists and public transportation); the absence of regulatory transportation capacity.
The article proposes to introduce the common structure of indicators of unregulated intersection work efficiency of traffic network. Such indicators have been used for more than 50 years by American, European and other countries’ designers to solve urgent urban construction and transport problems. This direction uses the level of service (LOS) Concept that aims to maximize the comfort of the transportation infrastructure elements – roadway, sidewalk, pedestrian crossing
etc. The main indicators in this concept are the traffic and pedestrians delay control in the unregulated intersection area; this article deals with the method of its determination. Thus the method of full-scale traffic and pedestrians delay measurements is provided. Multimodal intersection level of service (MMLOS) is determined using the automotive and pedestrian components.
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