Trends in the development of systems for monitoring the state of water bodies and the development of a Geo-information system Dniester on the basis of an industrial ІоТ


  • Леонід Заміховський Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу, Україна
  • Олена Заміховська Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу, Україна
  • Микола Миколайчук Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу, Україна
  • Іван Левицький Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу, Україна


Ключові слова:

industrial IoT, geo-information system, monitoring, flood control, microcontroller.


The work shows that inadequate and untimely hydrological forecasting of the level of flood development leads to significant annual economic damage and loss of life. The latter requires constant control and monitoring of the state of water bodies, which is possible with modern automated control and monitoring systems. The analysis showed that the information and measurement systems (AIMS) for flood control, which are operated in Ukraine, their quantity, cost and technical characteristics do not provide the information necessary for predicting the development of floods.

Analysis of trends in the development of systems for automated control and monitoring of the state of water bodies showed that modern foreign systems that are at the stage of development or testing are based on the use of microcontrollers, "smart" converters of physical quantities, modern communication systems and Internet of Things technology, as well as the use of smartphones with a Raspberry Pi camera for determining the water level in rivers.

The development with the use of the industrial Internet of Things of the basic version of the geoinformation system for control and monitoring of the state of water bodies GIS-Dniester is given. The structure, components and functions of GIS-Dniester are considered. The tasks of organizing hardware and software for parameterizing and diagnosing "smart" converters, establishing a communication environment for industrial communication, developing algorithms for collecting, processing and transmitting data, studying the characteristics of measuring signals are being solved. The results of the study of the echo profiles of the XPS10 ultrasonic level sensor with “smart” -converters Multiranger 100, as well as the procedure for working with the GIS-Dniester are presented. The use of the developed GIS-Dniester has shown its effectiveness and reliability in operation.


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Як цитувати

Заміховський, Л., Заміховська, О., Миколайчук, М., & Левицький, І. (2021). Trends in the development of systems for monitoring the state of water bodies and the development of a Geo-information system Dniester on the basis of an industrial ІоТ. Pidvodni Tehnologii, (11), 67–77.



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