Research of corrosion and mechanical resistance of reinforce-ment steels designated for operation in hydraulic structures
DOI:Ключові слова:
corrosion destruction, flooding, crack resistance, endurance, fatigue strengthАнотація
Analytical inspection showed that with a long service life of reinforced concrete structures of hydraulic structures, their individual elements such as reinforcing bars are destroyed due to insufficient fatigue and corrosion strength of the reinforcement metal. They occur mainly under the action of the main variable loads − bending, vibrations of reinforced concrete slabs, mechanical and erosion of the environment. The main causes of failure of the valve are its rupture and wear due to repeated action of force factors. The surface zone of the reinforcement in connection with concrete is especially intensively destroyed due to weak adhesion strength. The use of low-strength reinforcing steels can also be one of the reasons for the failure of reinforcement joints with concrete. Improving the corrosion and mechanical reliability of reinforced concrete structures of hydraulic structures is possible through the use of: for the manufacture of reinforcing bars which are the main power structure of reinforced concrete economically modified alloy steels, which undergo complex heat treatment and are characterized by high corrosion and fatigue properties. alternating) loads; The resistance against SCRN, VIR and corrosion-mechanical fatigue of reinforcing steels intended for the construction industry has been studied.
It was found that the experimental steels, economically modified REE, copper-nickel, especially chromium niobium and vanadium meet the requirements of the International Standard NACE MR 0175-96 on chemical composition and mechanical properties, and steels of grades
10HSNDA and 20F do not have a sufficiently high resistance SCRN <limits σ0.2min) and corrosion-fatigue failure, and steels of grades 20F and 06G2B showed low resistance to VIR (CLR> 6% and CTR> 3%). Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a full (100%) input control of corrosion and mechanical resistance of all materials involved in the manufacture of reinforced concrete structures for hydraulic purposes for operation in hydrogen sulfide-containing environment.
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